2022/7/27, Wed.

 [リチャード・] ロングは遠い過去との紐帯が損なわれていない場所を好む。そのため、建物や人間といった現代や近過去の痕跡が作品に現れることは少ない。彼の作品は田野を歩くというイギリスの伝統を、そのもっとも面妖で魅惑的な側面に光をあてつつ、新たな視線のもとで再検討に付すものだ。ロングはオーストラリア、ヒマラヤ、ボリビアアンデス地方でも作品を制作している。これらの場所がすべてイギリス的な経験に回収されると考えるのは植民地主義か、少なくとも高慢な観光趣味の謗りを免れないだろう。そこで改めて喚起されるのは、田野を歩くことが固有の文化的実践だということを忘れる危険だ。それ自体は丁寧で穏当だとしても、その価値観を他所に押しつけることは異なる。文芸における田舎歩きのモチーフが陳腐さや感傷や自伝的(end455)なお喋りに嵌まり込んでしまう一方、ロングの芸術は素気なく、ほとんど沈黙している。そして何かを造形する行為として歩行を重視する点でまったく新しく、文化の継承というよりは創造的な再検討となっている。彼の作品はときとして息を呑むほどに美しい。素朴な身振りにともなって歩く者と地表が関係を結び、道と歩行者が互いに互いを測り進み、ほとんど跡形を残さない巨大な描線となり、芸術となる、そのようなことが可能なのだという、深く洗練された説得力をもっている。ロングの同世代の友人ハミッシュ・フルトンも、歩行を自らの芸術にとり入れた。テキストを添えた写真からなる彼の作品群は、一見するとロングのものと区別が難しい。しかし歩行の精神的・情緒的な側面に重点をおいたフルトンは場として聖地や巡礼の道を選ぶことが多く、ギャラリーに立体作品をつくることもなければ、地面に痕跡を残すこともなかった。
 (レベッカ・ソルニット/東辻賢治郎訳『ウォークス 歩くことの精神史』(左右社、二〇一七年)、455~456; 第十六章「歩行の造形」)

 九時二〇分に起き上がった。カーテンレールに吊るされた洗濯物たちをわずらわしくもどけながら紺色のカーテンをあける。レースのすきまからみえた空は青い。晴れの日のようだ。洗面所に行くと顔を洗って小便をし、出て椅子につくといつもどおり水をいっぱい飲んだあと、蒸しタオルで額から目にかけてをあたためた。そうして寝床にもどるときょうはChromebookを持ってさいしょに一年前の日記を読み返した。起きてはじめに一年前をふりかえるというのもわるくない。たいしたことは書かれていないのだが、やはり風景描写が目にとまる。出勤路の坂道のとちゅう、「左から来る木洩れ陽は路上に灯るというよりは地にはあまり触れずに右手の壁のうえに映ってあかるみをひらき、まえをすぎるこちらの影もそのなかでつかの間揺れ、とおっていくあいだヒグラシの声が左右からかわるがわる、かなりの近さで発生し、微妙に音のたかさが違う弦楽器風の鳴きはどれも、波というか潮騒の往復のようにして、光暈めいてゆたかな余白をまといながら意外なほどおおきくふくらんでは木立をつらぬいて宙に浸透し、またおさまって去っていく。すぐ脇のガードレールそばは薄暗いが、そのむこうにはまだあかるい夕づく陽をいっぱいに浴びて緑をかるくあざやかにした樹々たちが安らいでいる」とあって、ながめの一文目を読むに、こいつなかなかやってんなとおもった。はじめの、「左から来る木洩れ陽は路上に灯るというよりは地にはあまり触れずに右手の壁のうえに映ってあかるみをひらき」という一節に、いかにもじぶんの文章だなというリズムをかんじる。このながさでも読点をはさまずにながれる感じとか、ひらがなの配分とか、あと、「というよりは」といういいかたなどだとおもう。じぶんの描写はたぶん、こういう「というよりは」とか、逆接とかをおおくつかって、目標のニュアンスに直接向かうのではなく、そのまわりからちょっと迂回して囲うようなかたちで具体性をとらえようとすることがよくあるのだとおもう。否定神学というやつか。そういう傾向にすぎないが、ことばをつかってなにかものにいたろうとすればどうしたってそういううごきは生まれるだろう。うえの文を読めばけっこううまく書けているなとはおもうし、したに引いておくそのつぎの一段もそうだけれど、こういうのをよいとしちゃっていいのかなあという疑問はまえからすこしある。それにはいろいろな意味があって、こまかく書けばいいってもんじゃないだろうとか、じぶんの文章だという感覚が確立してしまっているのでそれがかえってつまらないとか、こういうひろがりのない文を偏愛して悦に入っているようなアレでいいのかなあとか、そういうことだ。じぶんの風景志向とか自己満足とかは措くとしても、文章や文体として、こういう書き方はいいんだろうか? という疑問が根本にある。その「いい」「よくない」の意味の内実はよくわからないが。いいもわるいもこういうふうになっちゃったのだからしかたがないし、これからも変わるか変わらないかにかかわらず見聞きしたものを書いていくつもりだが。こういう描写は日記のいちぶなわけで、つまり作品的な構成物ではなくて、趣味というか、ルーティンというか、生理のようなものなのだから。




 (……)コンディションが良いからといって、他者が介在することだから、やりとりがうまくはまる、なんの齟齬感もあとにのこらない、となるとはかぎらない。それにはこれいぜんのやりとりで形成されてきた関係、馴染み深さ、信頼度などもおおいに影響するだろう。(……)はその点、もうなにも齟齬を感じない。こちらがなにをいってもだいじょうぶというか、もちろんへんなこととか傷つけるようなこととかは言ったら駄目だが、こちらがふつうに口にする範囲のことならなにも問題が生まれないとおもうし、(……)のほうでもこちらにたいしてはなにを言ってもだいじょうぶという感じはたぶんあるとおもう。だいじょうぶというのは、怒られたり否定されたりしないということだが。つまり、やりとりがひじょうに自然で楽なものになっているとおもう。稀有だ。講師 - 生徒間のみならず、友人同士の関係においても稀有なことではないか。講師 - 生徒という、わりとあからさまに権力が介在する枠組みのなかでそういう関係をつくれたじぶんというのは、もしかするとちょっとすごいのかもしれない。おもいあがりでなければ。(……)いがいだと(……)と(……)さんあたりも、(……)ほどではないがそれにちかい。しかし精神分析的にみたときに、これはいま転移が形成されている段階なのか、それとも転移後の権威が失墜してフラットになった段階なのか? そうかんがえると、学習塾のしくみのなかで権威を失墜させて知を持っている主体から脱落しつつも信頼ある関係をつづけるというのは至難ではないか? (……)にかんしては、なぜかわからないが、けっこうそういう感じになっている気がするのだが。やりとりが自然で楽だというのはそういうことではないのか。(……)は微妙。(……)さんはまだあきらかに転移段階だな。つまり、承認をほしがっているとおもう。転移後の権威の失墜をめちゃくちゃおおざっぱに、カジュアルにかんがえて、友だちみたいな先生というかまあ年上の大人になる、とかんがえると、それはそこそこ行ける気がするし、(……)にたいしてはほぼそうなっていると見てよいとおもうのだけれど、それは知を持っている主体から脱落したということなのか? とかんがえると疑問が生じる。学習塾の講師が知を持っている主体から脱落したら商売成り立たないじゃん。しかしそういうこともありえなくはないはずで、おそらくこの点を考察したのがジャック・ランシエールの『無知の教師』という本なのだろう。ともあれ学習塾のしくみの範囲内だと、ほんとうの失墜およびそれを通過しての関係継続というのはなくて、形成された転移関係をある程度までなあなあに、ぐずぐずに、なんとなく均してわりとフラットになったように見せかけなかば無効化する(なかば無効化しつつじつは底では効力を確保している)、というところができることとしては関の山なのかもしれない。転移関係の内部にとどまりながらそれをできるだけ曖昧化してある程度まで解体する、などといういいかたをすると、ロラン・バルトの風味が出てきてこちらの好みでなくもないが(つまりはまさしく「はぐらかす」「裏をかく」ことだ)、うえに括弧を付して補足したように、それはある種、あからさまな転移関係よりもより繊細な、したがって姑息でずる賢い、関係統治のしかたともかんがえられるわけだ。フーコーにしたがってかんがえればそういうことになるはず。


  • 「ことば」: 1 - 13
  • 「英語」: 612 - 623
  • 「読みかえし1」: 207 - 218


Samantha Lock, “Russia-Ukraine war latest: what we know on day 154 of the invasion”(2022/7/27)(https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/27/russia-ukraine-war-latest-what-we-know-on-day-154-of-the-invasion(https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/27/russia-ukraine-war-latest-what-we-know-on-day-154-of-the-invasion))

  • Russian forces continued to strike civilian infrastructure in Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, and the surrounding region in the country’s northeast. Regional governor, Oleh Syniehubov, said the strikes on the city resumed around dawn Tuesday. “The Russians deliberately target civilian infrastructure objects hospitals, schools, movie theatres. Everything is being fired at, even queues for humanitarian aid,” Syniehubov told Ukrainian television.
  • The EU has been forced to water down its plan to ration gas this winter in an attempt to avoid an energy crisis generated by further Russian cuts to supply. Energy ministers from the 27 member states, except Hungary, backed a voluntary 15% reduction in gas usage over the winter. Ministers agreed opt-outs for island nations and possible exclusions for countries little connected to the European gas network.
  • The Russian economy appears to be doing better than expected despite western sanctions. On Tuesday, the International Monetary Fund upgraded Russia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) estimate for this year by 2.5%, although its economy is still expected to contract by 6%. “That’s still a fairly sizeable recession in Russia in 2022,” IMF chief economist Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas told AFP, adding that rising energy prices are “providing an enormous amount of revenues to the Russian economy”.


Shaun Walker, central and eastern Europe correspondent, and Flora Garamvolgyi, “Longstanding adviser to Viktor Orbán resigns over ‘pure Nazi speech’”(2022/7/26)(https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/26/longstanding-adviser-to-viktor-orban-resigns-over-pure-nazi-speech(https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/26/longstanding-adviser-to-viktor-orban-resigns-over-pure-nazi-speech))

A longstanding adviser to Viktor Orbán has resigned in protest at “a pure Nazi speech” the Hungarian prime minister gave that was “worthy of Goebbels”.

Zsuzsa Hegedüs, one of Orbán’s longest-serving advisers, has known the prime minister since 2002 and described her relations with him as friendly. However, in her resignation letter – published by the Hungarian news outlet [hvg.hu](http://hvg.hu/) on Tuesday – she said she had become increasingly uncomfortable with Orbán’s “illiberal turn” in recent years.

Orbán has made anti-migration rhetoric a key part of his political platform since 2015, and frequently uses far-right language, but his speech on Saturday – in which he spoke out against “race mixing” – was extreme even by his standards.

In the speech, Orbán said mixing between Europeans was acceptable, but Europeans mixing with non-Europeans created “mixed race” people.

“We are willing to mix with one another, but we do not want to become peoples of mixed race,” said Orbán. He added that countries where this was seen as acceptable are “no longer nations”.

Hegedüs said she had long defended the prime minister against accusations of antisemitism, but believed his latest speech to be indefensible. “I sincerely regret that such a disgraceful stance has forced me to sever our relationship,” she wrote.


Rebecca Ratcliffe in Bangkok, Maung Moe and Lorcan Lovett, “‘We are not afraid’: anti-junta groups rail against Myanmar executions”(2022/7/26)(https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/26/we-are-not-afraid-anti-junta-groups-rail-against-myanmar-executions(https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/26/we-are-not-afraid-anti-junta-groups-rail-against-myanmar-executions))

The people of Myanmar are already well aware of the junta’s brutality, said Salai Za Uk Ling, deputy executive director of the Chin Human Rights Organization, which has documented atrocities, including the burning of homes and massacre of civilians, since the coup. Yet the brazenness of the executions was shocking, he added. “In such a public display of brutality, I don’t know what justification they would give,” he said, adding that it illustrated how the junta did not seem to care about its international reputation.

Thet Swe Win, a 36-year-old human rights activist and an executive director of Synergy, an organisation which strives to foster social harmony in Myanmar, said he feared that there may now be a spate of executions. Dozens more prisoners have been sentenced to death.

“This is similar to the first bullet that they shot at Mya Thwate Thwate Khaing,” he said, referring to the first protester killed by the military after the coup last year. “Then they killed many protesters during the crackdown.”

More than 2,100 people have been killed by the junta and 11,759 remain in detention, according to the advocacy group Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) Burma, which monitors arrests and killings.


Some of these powerful ethnic groups condemned the executions, among them the Arakan Army and a representative of the Kachin Independence Army, which both called the killings a “foolish” act that damaged the prospect of negotiations. In eastern Myanmar, the Karenni Nationalities Defence Force vowed to retaliate against the “war crime”.

A Yangon-based group of resistance fighters under the national unity government, which was formed in exile by elected politicians, ethnic minority representatives and activists, also vowed to avenge their deaths. On Monday, guerrilla fighters in Yangon and Mandalay launched attacks at junta targets, while a flash protest in Yangon displayed a poster reading “we are never scared” before quickly dispersing to avoid arrest.


In urban areas, these are flash mobs that last just a few minutes but which must be impeccably planned months in advance, with preparations made for the possibility of someone being detained, said Thinzar Shunlei Yi, a prominent anti-coup activist. “Do we have enough safe houses to relocate, do we have enough information to shut down our Facebook accounts and immediately cut all communication? Because once one person gets arrested then every one of us has to relocate.”

Activists continue even though they know they risking their lives, she added. “Not just our own lives, but it could also cost our own families’ lives, our friends’ lives,” she said. Even a critical comment on Facebook is risky.

Sut Seng Htoi, an activist in Kachin, northern Myanmar, questioned the international response given that the junta declared it would carry out the executions.

“I wonder why they didn’t take any action,” she said. “It’s made me even more distrustful of the international community and UN,” echoing the feelings of many who feel the international community has failed Myanmar.


David Smith in Washington, “Self-awareness in short supply as Trump calls for law and order in DC”(2022/7/27)(https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jul/26/donald-trump-washington-dc-speech-america-first(https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jul/26/donald-trump-washington-dc-speech-america-first))

There were chants of “four more years!” as Trump gave a 90-minute address to a summit hosted by the America First Policy Institute (AFPI), a rightwing thinktank conceived by alumni of his White House. Less than a week after the congressional January 6 committee detailed 187 minutes in which he chose not to stop the deadly insurrection, Trump sought to blame Democrats for what he described as rampant crime.

“There is no higher priority than cleaning up our streets, controlling our border, stopping the drugs from pouring in, and quickly restoring law and order in America,” he said to applause.


More than 140 Capitol police and DC Metropolitan police officers were injured while defending the US Capitol, according to official figures. Officer Caroline Edwards told the January 6 committee: “I was slipping in people’s blood. I was catching people as they fell. It was carnage, it was chaos.” In the days and weeks after the attack, five officers who had served at the Capitol on January 6 died.


Trump, a New Yorker born and bred now resident in Florida, was never entirely at ease in Washington during his four-year presidency, which some compared to an army of occupation in a Democratic stronghold: Biden beat the Republican by 92% to 5% in the District of Columbia.

Trump was rarely seen about town and only ever dined out at the steakhouse in his Pennsylvania Avenue hotel, once the centre of the Trumpiverse but subsequently sold. The gold lettering that spelled out his name has been unceremoniously expunged, replaced by signage for the new owner, the Waldorf Astoria.

But the AFPI’s two-day summit at the Marriott Marquis Washington hotel created an alternative-reality bubble where face masks and mentions of January 6 were vanishingly scarce and where Trump alumni were feted as celebrities, heroes and martyrs.


Trump also got one of the biggest cheers of the day when he attacked transgender rights, declaring: “We should not allow men to play in women’s sports”.


Attendees at the conference expressed joy at seeing Trump’s return and hope that he would run for president again – irrespective of what happened on January 6.

Day Gardner, president of the National Black Pro-Life Union, said: “I’m really hoping for 2024. Promises made, promises kept: very important to me. I’m strongly pro-life. I want the wall finished and it’s not that we hate anybody. We’re saying come legally.”

Gardner, 67, from Bowie, Maryland, dismissed the insurrection as overblown. “Most people that went there said it’s the people’s house, we want to make a statement … People who did anything wrong probably got sidetracked and kind of lost their way.”

Matthew O’Brien, 53, director of investigations for the Immigration Reform Law Institute, said: “The Trump administration was the first administration since Eisenhower to take immigration seriously. The fact is, without a border, you don’t have a country.”

He added: “The January 6 hearings – I’m not sure what their purpose is. It’s not clear to me what Congress is looking for in that particular situation. They seem to have been all over the map as far as the questions they’re asked and what they’re actually doing.”

Asked if the hearings had shaken his faith in Trump, Christopher Payne, 70, an accountant, replied: “No, because I have listened to him many times in the past, including going to his rallies and, for all intents, I know the real president and yes, OK, like all of us, sometimes you slip up. But the fact is he’s not dwelling on past mistakes; he’s looking at what he can do in the future.”


Martin Pengelly, “Garland promises ‘justice without fear or favor’ as DoJ digs into Trump’s January 6 role”(2022/7/27)(https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jul/26/garland-charge-trump-capitol-attack-jan-6-doj(https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jul/26/garland-charge-trump-capitol-attack-jan-6-doj))