2022/11/8, Tue.

 (マックス・ブロート編集/城山良彦訳『決定版カフカ全集 10 フェリーツェへの手紙(Ⅰ)』(新潮社、一九九二年)、139; 〔一九一二年一二月四日から五日への夜〕)

 だんだんと覚めて呼吸をはじめる。両腕をあたまのうえに投げ出すようにして深呼吸すると、胸まわりがよくほぐれる。時間を見たのは八時過ぎ。カーテンを開けて、ごろごろしながらからだをセットアップ。きょうは快晴である。ウェブを見回ったあとに過去日記の読みかえしだが、引いておくほどのことはない。九時四〇分ごろに床を立った。椅子に座って水を飲みつつパソコンを点けてNotionを準備。歯も磨いたはず。トイレに行って用を足すとともに顔も洗って、また体操的にからだをちょっとほぐしもする。組んだ両手をあたまのうしろに当てて首から肩を前傾させるとともに肘の間隔をせばめるストレッチが、肩甲骨近辺の肉やそのあたりの背骨をやわらげるにはいちばん良いのではないか。一〇時ごろから瞑想をした。わるくはない。左足はやはりしびれたが。起きてすぐやるいじょう、それはもうしかたないのかもしれない。食事へ。きのうゆず醤油スープでつくったごった煮的な煮込みうどん。椀に二杯食べて鍋が空になった。食事中はこのあいだおもいついた英詩をかんがえるあたまになってしまい、というか瞑想中から文言がめぐっていたのだが、ウェブを見ようとしても集中できず、たびたび画面をNotionにもどしてことばを足すありさまだし、うどんを食う合間にもよい語はないかと思考がもとめて、意識をわりとそちらにもっていかれていた。食後からシャワー後にかけても加筆はつづいた。食器を洗ってかたづけると白湯をつくり、熱湯がいくらか冷める合間にさきに歯磨きもして、それをちびちびやりながら詩行をかんがえていた。じきに湯を浴びることに。ついでに洗濯も。ほぼ肌着だけだが。いま着ていたやつも脱いで洗濯機に入れ、稼働させてから浴室へ。シャワーのあいだもことばをかんがえており、出るととりあえずおもいついたものはぜんぶ書き足しておいた。順番とかリズムとか、こまかい調整はいずれまた。そうして一〇月三一日以降の日記を投稿しておくことに。投稿作業のかたわらに音楽を聞こうとおもってAmazon Musicにはいると、ELLEGARDENがトップで特集されており、まあべつにそんなに興味はないのだけれど、なんだかんだちゃんと聞いたことはないしちょっと聞いてみるかとベスト盤をながした。ああ、こういう感じだよねと。メロディアスでポップできれいなパンク風味のロック。ELLEGARDENは高校のころに同級生のいくらかが聞いたりバンドでやっていたおぼえがあり、とはいえああいう種類の音楽だから、ひとまず演奏するだけならそこまでテクニックはいらないし、BUMP OF CHICKENとかとおなじような扱いで、楽器とかバンドをはじめたばかりのやつらが手を出す初心者向け、みたいな雰囲気がなんとなくただよっていた気がする。もちろんああいう音楽でもああいう音楽としてちゃんとやるのはたいへんに決まっているのだが。とはいえサウンドとしてもやはり若々しいな、きらきらしているなという感じはあり、いまさらこれをすごく楽しもうという気にはならない。the HiatusNothing’s Carved In Stoneのほうはたしょう、それなりに聞いたのだけれど。とくに前者はファーストをよく聞いたし、サードまではそこそこ聞いた。このバンドがはじめてお披露目されたのは幕張メッセでのライブイベントで、とうじじぶんはそこに立ち会っている。ウィキペディアによると「アルバム制作中真っ只中の2009年4月5日、幕張メッセで開催された「PUNKSPRING 09」で制作メンバーによるバンドとしてライブを初披露した」とのことで、これである。とうじ大学二年になるところだが、高校の同級生(……)からさそわれていっしょにやっていたバンドのドラマーである(……)さんがさそってくれて行ったのだ。かれはラジオのしごとをやっていて、細美武士とも交流があり、新バンド出るらしいから行こうよみたいな感じだったとおもう。the Hiatusの時間はステージまえがもちろん観客で埋め尽くされて、こちらもそのなかに飲まれてけっこうまえのほうで見ていた記憶がある。1stの一曲目である”Ghost In The Rain”を披露していたおぼえがあり、終わったあと(……)さんが、あのきれいな曲良かったね、ああいうピアノの感じはいままでなかったな、みたいなことをもらしていた気がする。(……)さんはとうじ四〇になる手前くらいだったはずで、こちらとは二〇歳ほどはなれていたとおもうが、そういう年の離れた大人、先達者としていろいろどっか連れて行ってくれたり、葛飾で週一か隔週くらいで会って合わせたりして、楽しかったな。数年前に一回会っているのだけれど、また会いたい。しかしもう(……)さんも五〇過ぎか? そうかんがえるとやばいな。若々しくて、数年前に会ったときもぜんぜんそんな年齢には見えなかったが。むかしスケボーをやっていて、アメリカ横断旅行みたいなのもしたことがあるらしい。






  • 日記読み: 2021/11/8, Mon. / 2014/4/1, Tue.


“Enheduanna: The world's first named author”(https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20221025-enheduanna-the-worlds-first-named-author(https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20221025-enheduanna-the-worlds-first-named-author))

She was the first author to be named in all recorded history: the Mesopotamian poet, princess, and priestess Enheduanna. Surprised? "When people ask who is the first author, they never guess anyone in Mesopotamia, and it's never a woman," says Sidney Babcock, curator of the recently opened exhibition at New York City's Morgan Library, She Who Wrote: Enheduanna and Women of Mesopotamia, ca 3400-2000 BC. Usually, he says, they suggest a figure from ancient Greece; if they do mention a female author at all, it's Sappho, who lived a millennium later, and less of whose work survives than that of Enheduanna.

If you've never heard of her, you're not alone. Enheduanna was unknown to modernity altogether until 1927, when the archaeologist Sir Leonard Woolley excavated objects that bear her name. We now know that her name, in Sumerian, means "Ornament of Heaven", and as the high priestess of the moon deity Nanna-Suen, she composed 42 temple hymns and three stand-alone poems that, like the Epic of Gilgamesh (which is not credited to a named author), scholars consider an important part of Mesopotamia's literary legacy.

In conjunction with her status as a religious figure and priestess, Enheduanna wielded political power as the daughter of Sargon the Great – a figure credited by some historians as the founder of the world's first empire. In particular, she played an essential role helping bind together the northern Mesopotamian region of Akkad, where Sargon first rose to power, before he went on to capture the Sumerian city-states in the south. She did so by helping meld the beliefs and rituals associated with the Sumerian goddess Inanna with those of the Akkadian goddess Ishtar, and by emphasising those links in her literary and religious hymns and poems, thereby creating a common system of beliefs throughout the empire. Each of the hymns Enheduanna wrote for 42 temples in the southern half of Mesopotamia highlighted the unique character of the patron goddess to the worshippers in those cities; the hymns were copied by scribes in the temples for hundreds of years after her death.


Those poems further could hint at Enheduanna's solid grasp of mathematics – perhaps not so surprising when you remember that historians trace maths' origins to Mesopotamia, right alongside the development of cuneiform and other early writing systems. Both writing and counting were probably developed by necessity in Mesopotamia's active agricultural and textile economy, where the systems became intertwined as farmers and merchants counted what was produced, and recorded what was being sold and traded.


This period, starting in approximately 3400 BC, saw a vast growth in Mesopotamia's urban centres and a continuing expansion in producing and trading goods throughout the country and the region. Increased business orders meant a need for more workers – many of whom were women. Going beyond their traditional roles at home or taking on religious duties, these women took on roles in a wide variety of trades, including ceramics, weaving, baking, animal husbandry, brewing, and artisan work. One image on display captures a group of women at the loom, weaving, with one figure in full motion, her hair flying behind her. Another shows women at what looks like a pottery wheel; in others, women sit and dine with men, apparently as equals. They are also seen playing musical instruments, in groups or solo, as depicted in an exquisite shell inlay in which a woman holds a flute to her mouth, delicate ribbons wound around her curly hair.


Then there is the show's visual centrepiece: the stunningly colourful funerary ensemble of Queen Puabi, who lived approximately 150 years before Enheduanna. As befitting a queen, Puabi's splendiferous headdress is made up of hammered leaves and ribbons of gold as well as circular beads composed of lapis lazuli and carnelian. On top of those ornaments further sits an intricate crown-like comb adorned with star-like flowers – all in gold, just like the series of hair coils and accompanying set of large moon-shaped earrings. Equally majestic are the colourful strands of beads of gold and semi-precious stones that reach from neck to waist, around which winds a belt fringed with gold ringlets. These were all also uncovered by excavations led by Woolley, and made as big a splash in the late 1920s as the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb in Egypt had done in 1922.

Even so, "We know very little about Queen Puabi," who lived around 2500 BC, says Babcock, explaining that we only know her name because it appears on a lapis lazuli cylinder seal found on her body. Babcock explains that cylinder seals – most no larger than a spool of thread – proliferated throughout Mesopotamian society, serving as both a personal ID and a way to authenticate a communication or the contents of, say, a jar. Most significant for those trying to reconstruct Mesopotamian life today, intricate designs and images were often carved onto the seals, their impressions yielding a wealth of detailed information about all strata of society.

In addition to mortal women, these cylinder seals show the changing nature of the two major female deities Inanna and Ishtar, whose different profiles Enheduanna helped merge into one interchangeable goddess. Before Sargon's conquest of Sumer, Inanna represented the divine feminine principle who was the nurturing mother and the queen of heaven overseeing and preserving the cycle of life. Her face was generally not shown but her presence symbolised by rings of bundled reeds.

But change was under way, and by 2400 BC, a vessel fragment shows a female deity visualised in human form. Wearing a horned crown with leafy, vegetable-like material protruding from her shoulders and holding a cluster of dates, she has the aspects of fertility and fecundity associated with Inanna, but the animal-like crown also suggests fierceness.

With the reign of Sargon and through Eneheduanna's hymns, an ever-more war-like female deity begins to be depicted: Ishtar, seen portrayed in the exhibition with weapons coming out of her shoulders and her foot atop a lion whose leash she wields. In her poems, Enheduanna similarly portrays Inanna/Ishtar as a powerful goddess of combat and conquest as well as of love and abundance. And, according to Babcock, cylinder seals in the exhibition actually illustrate scenes from her poem, Inanna and Ebih.

The text pits an embattled, enraged Inanna against her enemy, a mountain range that refuses to bow down or cede to her. We see the goddess, armed with knife and axes, cause the mountain's stones to cascade downward, and kill the mountain's male god. "She sharpened both edges of her dagger. She took Ebih's neck as if tearing up grass. She presented the blade into its heart," and "yelled like thunder" so that "the stones making up Ebih crashed down its back." She then celebrates her conquest by triumphantly placing her foot atop the fallen stones. "This is the first time you have illustrations for a text, ever," Babcock comments – another first for Enheduanna's literary legacy.