2022/11/15, Tue.

 しかしお願いですから、最愛のひとよ、どうか卒直に答えてください、一体これはどうしたのですか? あなたはぼくに決して病気ではないと書いてきましたが(ぼくはそのことを尋ねたことは全くなかった、あなたの頬や眼から健康は見てとれるのだから)そのあなたがいま医者から医者へ渡り歩いており、幾週間も前からきっと毎日病気であり、ひとは冗談に、あなたが休暇中の死骸のようだと言いますが(他ならぬあなたに使われるのでなければ、ぼくにはたいへん気に入る言い回しです)それはなかば真剣に考えて言っているのです。(……)
 (マックス・ブロート編集/城山良彦訳『決定版カフカ全集 10 フェリーツェへの手紙(Ⅰ)』(新潮社、一九九二年)、170; 一九一二年一二月一八日から一九日)

 『パウル・ツェラン全詩集Ⅰ』はなんだかんだ読み終えた。さいごのほうはすこし急ぎ足になってしまった感もあるが。すごいなとおもったのは『言葉の格子』(一九五九年)のさいごに収録されている「エングフュールング」というながい詩篇で、飯吉光夫の訳だとたしか「ストレッタ(急迫)」とか訳されていたとおもうが、それを読んだときもなんだこれ、すごいなとおもったけれど、こんかいあらためて中村朝子の訳で読んでもこういうことできるんだなあとおもったし、ながい篇だけれどこれはぜんぶまとめて書き抜かないと意味がない。そのほかにも長めの篇が出てくるとどれもなんかいいなという感触で、『誰でもない者の薔薇』(一九六三年)の終盤はどの篇も比較的長かったが、だいたいどれもページをメモすることになった。パウル・ツェランの詩がどういったことを表現しているのか? つかもうとしているのか? ということについて明快な理解や分析などこちらにできるはずもないし、意味も解釈のことばも出てこない。そもそも詩(現代詩)というものは散文的論理接続とは別様のありかたをしているというか、詩がはらみもっている空白とかひらきとかひろがりとか風通しの良さとかを接続的に埋めてあまりつづめたり矯めたりしてしまっては、その詩がその詩であるゆえんは失われてしまいがちだとおもうのだけれど、とはいえその詩「について」書くならおおかれすくなかれそういうことにはならざるをえないし、小説(やその他の作品)にかんしても根本的な事情はおなじなのかもしれない。そういったことは措いてたんなる主観的な感触としては、中村朝子の訳で読むツェランの詩はどれも独特な静謐さをまとっており、なにかふれられぬもの(といってイメージされるのはどうしても死者ということになってしまうのだが)を志向しつつも、それにふれられないことをあらかじめ知っており、だからといって志向することをやめることはできず、ふれられぬものにふれられず取り戻しえぬものを取り戻しえないことをその都度確認するかのようにことばと語によって手を伸ばす、というよりはまさしくことばと語をこそそちらに伸ばし、そこに最終的に生じる諦念だったり憂鬱だったり嘆きだったり空虚だったりを、そのままことさらにむきだしてみせるのではなくて、あくまでも茫洋としたしずけさのなかにくるみこんで寝かせ、いたわり、悼む、というような印象。ある種の執拗さをにじませるような語句のくりかえしもおおく見られ、またつかわれる語彙じたいも主要なものはいろいろなところにくりかえしあらわれる。一行をながめに散文的に言うことはあまりなく、短い語をふっと置いたり、ひとことふたことを数行にわけて、ゆったりとというよりはひたひたと書き継ぐような手触りが脳裏にのこっている。後半になると一語をハイフンでつないでわける手法もままつかわれるようになり、しかもそれがいくつも並列されたりするのが、そんなことやっていいんだとおもしろかった。たとえば、「形をもとに - そして形をさらに - /変えられて。」(461)とか、「(そして逆の - と 対抗する - と もうひとつの - と 双子の - と 千の - 結び目)」(463)とか、「真実を -  そしてあらかじめ -  そしてゆきすがら - お前 - に - 語られたこと/から、」(478)とか。意味だの解釈だのはわからないが、漠然といいなとおもう詩、書きぬこうとおもう詩はたくさんあって、今回はしかも詩の一部分を抜く気にはならず、書き抜くものはぜんぶ一篇まるごと書き抜くこころになった。


  • 「ことば」: 31, 9, 24
  • 日記読み: 2021/11/15, Mon. / 2014/4/5, Sat.


Samantha Lock, Léonie Chao-Fong and Martin Belam, “Russia-Ukraine war at a glance: what we know on day 264 of the invasion”(2022/11/14, Mon.)(https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/14/russia-ukraine-war-at-a-glance-what-we-know-on-day-265-of-the-invasion(https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/14/russia-ukraine-war-at-a-glance-what-we-know-on-day-265-of-the-invasion))

US president Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping have reiterated their agreement that a nuclear war “should never be fought” in a long-awaited meeting in Bali earlier today, the White House said. The pair shook hands in front of the US and Chinese flags ahead of the three-hour meeting on the resort island and “spoke candidly” about a range of issues, including key regional and global challenges, the White House said in a statement.

China’s read-out from the meeting differed slightly, with the New York Times reporting that “Unlike the White House’s account, the Chinese account did not mention Xi and Biden agreeing on opposing Russia’s threat of using nuclear weapons in the Ukraine war.”


A pro-Russian tank gunner who was accused of firing into residential buildings in the Ukrainian port city of Mariupol has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for treason, according to Ukraine’s state security service (SBU). The pro-Russian militant, nicknamed “Phil”, had fired “at least 20 shots at residential high-rise buildings in Mariupol”, the SBU said in a statement.


The White House has confirmed that the CIA director, William J Burns, was in Ankara in Turkey on Monday to speak with his Russian counterpart. A White House official said Ukraine was briefed in advance about the visit, that Burns was not conducting any kind of negotiations, and he was conveying a message on the consequences of the use of nuclear weapons by Russia, and the risks of escalation to strategic stability.

The EU’s top diplomat has said Ukraine will decide when to enter talks with Russia, amid growing speculation that western capitals will pressure Kyiv into negotiations. Josep Borrell, the EU’s high representative for foreign affairs, said: “Ukraine will decide what to do. Our duty is to support them”. He was arriving for the monthly meeting of EU foreign ministers, which will be focused on the war in Ukraine. Borrell said the Russian retreat and recapture of Kherson by Ukraine was “very good news” and showed the EU’s strategy of military support was the right one.

The UN’s general assembly has approved a resolution calling for Russia to be held accountable for its invasion of Ukraine. Russia “must bear the legal consequences of all of its internationally wrongful acts, including making reparation for the injury, including any damage, caused by such acts”, the resolution reads.


Zambia has asked Russia to explain how one of its citizens who had been serving a prison sentence in Moscow ended up on the battlefield in Ukraine where he was killed, Zambia’s foreign affairs minister said on Monday.


Russia’s education minister, Sergey Kravstov, has said that military training will return to Russian schools next September, according to the latest update by the UK’s Ministry of Defence. The programme is supported by Russia’s Ministry of Defence, which states that no less than 140 hours per academic year should be devoted to this training.


Amrit Dhillon in New Delhi, “Modi employs new tool in India’s war against the English language: Hindi medical degrees”(2022/10/22, Sat.)(https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/22/modi-employs-new-tool-in-indias-war-against-the-english-language-hindi-medical-degrees(https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/22/modi-employs-new-tool-in-indias-war-against-the-english-language-hindi-medical-degrees))

In October, government officials in BJP-ruled Maharashtra were banned from saying “hello” when greeting members of the public. Instead, they have to say “vande mataram” or “I bow to thee, oh motherland”. Abide with Me has been kicked out of India’s annual Republic Day celebrations and replaced with a Hindi patriotic song, while the English names of some army regiments are to be changed.

In 2020 the government said practitioners of ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine, should be allowed to perform surgery, to the horror of the medical establishment.

Now, once again, doctors are aghast after a decision by the Madhya Pradesh state government to offer a medical degree in Hindi. Until now, medicine has been taught throughout India in English.

For the past nine months, an army of 97 translators have been ransacking Hindi lexicons to find words for terms such as biopsy, neuroblastoma, and haemorrhoids [hémərɔid] .

Now that the Hindi textbooks for anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry are ready, first year students in 13 government medical colleges in Madhya Pradesh will be taught in Hindi from November, though the option of learning in English remains.

The aim of the new Hindi medical degree, said Modi, was to allow Indians from poorer families who are not fluent in English to pursue their dream of becoming doctors.

“We aim to ensure that the children of poor parents become doctors and engineers even if they are not educated in English …” Modi said on Wednesday in Gujarat while speaking about India’s New Education Policy, announced in 2020.


Some Indians, especially those who have been made to feel inferior for not speaking English fluently, would agree with Modi when he says that English should be treated as a medium of communication, not a “criterion of intellectual ability”.

The problem for orthopaedic surgeon Dr Rajan Sharma, former head of the Indian Medical Council, is the ideological motivation behind the decision. He believes politics should not be allowed to intrude into medicine.

Sharma is a Hindi speaker but, as he admits, he has no idea how to say “heart attack” in Hindi and he doubts if there are many chemists who could read a prescription in Hindi. He is proud of the contribution made by Indian doctors to healthcare globally, thanks to their training in English.

“It is regressive, backward-looking, pathetic, deplorable,” he said. “Where are the Hindi speaking teachers to teach medicine? I am not even going to talk about how good the translations are going to be because that implies one accepts the policy which I don’t. The policy will be a failure.”

Science commentator Dinesh C. Sharma, writing in The Tribune newspaper, said he hoped the course material would not be compromised by the translations.

“These graduates will be dealing with human lives. And textbooks are only one part of medical courses. There are hundreds of reference books, manuals and medical protocols, which are mostly in English and are vital for the training and functioning of a doctor,” said Sharma.


Kate Kallaway, “Patti Smith: ‘I am who I am with all my flaws’”(2022/11/13, Sun.)(https://www.theguardian.com/music/2022/nov/13/patti-smith-photography-a-book-of-days-flaws-interview(https://www.theguardian.com/music/2022/nov/13/patti-smith-photography-a-book-of-days-flaws-interview))

Richard B Woodward, “‘Whatever I was going to be I wanted to be really good’: Cormac McCarthy’s life in writing”(2022/10/22, Sat.)(https://www.theguardian.com/books/2022/oct/22/cormac-mccarthy-life-in-writing-books-the-passenger(https://www.theguardian.com/books/2022/oct/22/cormac-mccarthy-life-in-writing-books-the-passenger))

Zoe Williams, “Nobel peace laureate Maria Ressa: ‘In 2024, democracy could fall off a cliff’”(2022/11/12, Sat.)(https://www.theguardian.com/books/2022/nov/12/nobel-peace-laureate-maria-ressa-how-to-stand-up-to-a-dictator(https://www.theguardian.com/books/2022/nov/12/nobel-peace-laureate-maria-ressa-how-to-stand-up-to-a-dictator))