(石川美子訳『ロラン・バルトによるロラン・バルト』(みすず書房、二〇一八年)、266; 「今日の天気(Le temps qu'il fait)」)
- 今日は起床が遅く、一二時二〇分だった。睡眠というか滞在はひさしぶりに九時間ほどで、やたらながくなった。九時台くらいからさめていた記憶があって、たびたび浮上してはいたのだが、意識がなぜかかなりにごっていてまともにうごけず、ながきにわたったしだいだ。昨晩、モニターをながくみつめたためか? 会がおわったあと、就寝前もコンピューターで英文記事をよんでいたし。
- おそくなったので瞑想はサボった。上階にいって母親にあいさつ。食事は餃子。ほか、ブナシメジの汁物など。新聞には入管法改正の件が載っていた。読売でこの話題をみるのはここ数か月でようやくこれが最初だが。だが、国内の政治面をいつもあまりきちんとみないので、みおとしていた可能性もおおいにある。昨晩(……)さんがはなしていたとおり、もともと七日に採決の予定だったのがのびていて、与党は一四日に採決できるよう、いちおう野党側と交渉しているもよう。そこをすぎれば期日がたりないとかで今国会での通過はなくなるはず、というはなしだった。
- 食器洗いと風呂洗いをいつもどおり。今日は最初、昨晩につづいてMatthew Hill, David Campanale and Joel Gunter, "'Their goal is to destroy everyone': Uighur camp detainees allege systematic rape"(2021/2/2)(https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-55794071(https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-55794071))をよむ。その後、音読などをはさんでまたふれ、四時ごろによみおえた。マジで第三帝国のような、あまりにむごく、残虐なはなし。人類はいつまでたっても二〇世紀をおえることができない。
The men always wore masks, Tursunay Ziawudun said, even though there was no pandemic then.
They wore suits, she said, not police uniforms.
Sometime after midnight, they came to the cells to select the women they wanted and took them down the corridor to a "black room", where there were no surveillance cameras.
First-hand accounts from inside the internment camps are rare, but several former detainees and a guard have told the BBC they experienced or saw evidence of an organised system of mass rape, sexual abuse and torture.
Tursunay Ziawudun, who fled Xinjiang after her release and is now in the US, said women were removed from the cells "every night" and raped by one or more masked Chinese men. She said she was tortured and later gang-raped on three occasions, each time by two or three men.
Internal documents from the Kunes county justice system from 2017 and 2018, provided to the BBC by Adrian Zenz, a leading expert on China's policies in Xinjiang, detail planning and spending for "transformation through education" of "key groups" - a common euphemism in China for the indoctrination of the Uighurs. In one Kunes document, the "education" process is described as "washing brains, cleansing hearts, strengthening righteousness and eliminating evil".
The BBC also interviewed a Kazakh woman from Xinjiang who was detained for 18 months in the camp system, who said she was forced to strip Uighur women naked and handcuff them, before leaving them alone with Chinese men. Afterwards, she cleaned the rooms, she said.
"My job was to remove their clothes above the waist and handcuff them so they cannot move," said Gulzira Auelkhan, crossing her wrists behind her head to demonstrate. "Then I would leave the women in the room and a man would enter - some Chinese man from outside or policeman. I sat silently next to the door, and when the man left the room I took the woman for a shower."
The Chinese men "would pay money to have their pick of the prettiest young inmates", she said.
The Uighurs are a mostly Muslim Turkic minority group that number about 11 million in Xinjiang in north-western China. The region borders Kazakhstan and is also home to ethnic Kazakhs. Ziawudun, who is 42, is Uighur. Her husband is a Kazakh.
The couple returned to Xinjiang in late 2016 after a five-year stay in Kazakhstan, and were interrogated on arrival and had their passports confiscated, Ziawudun said. A few months later, she was told by police to attend a meeting alongside other Uighurs and Kazakhs and the group was rounded up and detained.
Her first stint in detention was comparatively easy, she said, with decent food and access to her phone. After a month she developed stomach ulcers and was released. Her husband's passport was returned and he went back to Kazakhstan to work, but authorities kept Ziawudun's, trapping her in Xinjiang. Reports suggest China has purposefully kept behind and interned relatives to discourage those who leave from speaking out. On 9 March 2018, with her husband still in Kazakhstan, Ziawudun was instructed to report to a local police station, she said. She was told she needed "more education".
According to her account, Ziawudun was transported back to the same facility as her previous detention, in Kunes county, but the site had been significantly developed, she said. Buses were lined up outside offloading new detainees "non-stop".
Then sometime in May 2018 - "I don't remember the exact date, because you don't remember the dates inside there" - Ziawudun and a cellmate, a woman in her twenties, were taken out at night and presented to a Chinese man in a mask, she said. Her cellmate was taken into a separate room.
"As soon as she went inside she started screaming," Ziawudun said. "I don't know how to explain to you, I thought they were torturing her. I never thought about them raping."
The woman who had brought them from the cells told the men about Ziawudun's recent bleeding.
"After the woman spoke about my condition, the Chinese man swore at her. The man with the mask said 'Take her to the dark room'.
"The woman took me to the room next to where the other girl had been taken in. They had an electric stick, I didn't know what it was, and it was pushed inside my genital tract, torturing me with an electric shock."
Alongside cells, another central feature of the camps is classrooms. Teachers have been drafted in to "re-educate" the detainees - a process activists say is designed to strip the Uighurs and other minorities of their culture, language and religion, and indoctrinate them into mainstream Chinese culture.
Qelbinur Sedik, an Uzbek woman from Xinjiang, was among the Chinese language teachers brought into the camps and coerced into giving lessons to the detainees. Sedik has since fled China and spoken publicly about her experience.
The women's camp was "tightly controlled", Sedik told the BBC. But she heard stories, she said - signs and rumours of rape. One day, Sedik cautiously approached a Chinese camp policewoman she knew.
"I asked her, 'I have been hearing some terrible stories about rape, do you know about it?' She said we should talk in the courtyard during lunch.
"So I went to the courtyard, where there were not many cameras. She said, 'Yes, the rape has become a culture. It is gang rape and the Chinese police not only rape them but also electrocute them. They are subject to horrific torture.'"
That night Sedik didn't sleep at all, she said. "I was thinking about my daughter who was studying abroad and I cried all night."
In separate testimony to the Uyghur Human Rights Project, Sedik said she heard about an electrified stick being inserted into women to torture them - echoing the experience Ziawudun described.
There were "four kinds of electric shock", Sedik said - "the chair, the glove, the helmet, and anal rape with a stick".
"The screams echoed throughout the building," she said. "I could hear them during lunch and sometimes when I was in class."
Another teacher forced to work in the camps, Sayragul Sauytbay, told the BBC that "rape was common" and the guards "picked the girls and young women they wanted and took them away".
She described witnessing a harrowing public gang rape of a woman of just 20 or 21, who was brought before about 100 other detainees to make a forced confession.
"After that, in front of everyone, the police took turns to rape her," Sauytbay said.
"While carrying out this test, they watched people closely and picked out anyone who resisted, clenched their fists, closed their eyes, or looked away, and took them for punishment."
Detainees had food withheld for infractions such as failing to accurately memorise passages from books about Xi Jinping, according to a former camp guard who spoke to the BBC via video link from a country outside China.
"Once we were taking the people arrested into the concentration camp, and I saw everyone being forced to memorise those books. They sit for hours trying to memorise the text, everyone had a book in their hands," he said.
Those who failed tests were forced to wear three different colours of clothing based on whether they had failed one, two, or three times, he said, and subjected to different levels of punishment accordingly, including food deprivation and beatings.
"I entered those camps. I took detainees into those camps," he said. "I saw those sick, miserable people. They definitely experienced various types of torture. I am sure about that."
It was not possible to independently verify the guard's testimony but he provided documents that appeared to corroborate a period of employment at a known camp. He agreed to speak on condition of anonymity.
The guard said he did not know anything about rape in the cell areas. Asked if the camp guards used electrocution, he said: "Yes. They do. They use those electrocuting instruments." After being tortured, detainees were forced to make confessions to a variety of perceived offences, according to the guard. "I have those confessions in my heart," he said.
President Xi looms large over the camps. His image and slogans adorn the walls; he is a focus of the programme of "re-education". Xi is the overall architect of the policy against the Uighurs, said Charles Parton, a former British diplomat in China and now senior associate fellow at the Royal United Services Institute.
"It is very centralised and it goes to the very top," Parton said. "There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that this is Xi Jinping's policy."
It was unlikely that Xi or other top party officials would have directed or authorised rape or torture, Parton said, but they would "certainly be aware of it".
For a while after her release, before she could flee, Ziawudun waited in Xinjiang. She saw others who had been churned through the system and released. She saw the effect the policy was having on her people. The birth rate in Xinjiang has plummeted in the past few years, according to independent research - an effect analysts have described as "demographic genocide".
Many in the community had turned to alcohol, Ziawudun said. Several times, she saw her former cellmate collapsed on the street - the young woman who was removed from the cell with her that first night, who she heard screaming in an adjacent room. The woman had been consumed by addiction, Ziawudun said. She was "like someone who simply existed, otherwise she was dead, completely finished by the rapes".
"They say people are released, but in my opinion everyone who leaves the camps is finished."
And that, she said, was the plan. The surveillance, the internment, the indoctrination, the dehumanisation, the sterilisation, the torture, the rape.
"Their goal is to destroy everyone," she said. "And everybody knows it."
- 「英語」の音読をした。音読中は手首と手指をのばすのと、ダンベルをもつ。音読はやはりたくさんしたほうがよい。よりおおくのことばをよみ、声にだし、体内か脳内にとりこんでいきたい。英語ももっとよみたいところ。ことばをみにつけるには、やはり声にだしてよみまくるに如くはないとおもう。たぶん。書くとなるとまたべつだろうが。とにかく英語でふつうに本をガンガンよめるようになりたい。いまでもある程度はもうよめるだろうが。WoolfはTo The Lighthouseだけでなく、ほかの文章もよみたいのだが。いちおう昨晩のうちにKindle PCに五〇円でComplete Collectionみたいなのをダウンロードして、これはけっこうよさそうで書簡とかもふくめてぜんぶはいっているようなのだが、ただKindle PCの表示があまりきにいらないというか、一画面にうつる文の量がすくないし、なんかほんとうはやっぱり紙でよみたいなあというきはする。いずれにしてもまだWoolfの文はよみはじめないが。もうべつに書物で英語をよみだしてもよいのだろうが、なんかあまり手をだすきにならない。ひとつには、書物をよんでいるときにも音読用に不明語彙の周辺をぬきだすとなると、ネット記事のようにコピペできないから面倒臭えなというあたまがある。べつにそれはやらなくてもよいのかもしれないが。書物の場合はきにせずしらべながらどんどんよんでいけば。ただこちらはあまり併読をこのまないタイプなので、読書の本線は基本的にひとつにしぼりたい。なにか本をよみ、一方でネット記事やらブログやらその他のものをよむ、という方針。そこに英語の本をくわえて毎日よもうといってもなんかけっきょくよまなくなりそうなきがするので、よむなら本線の読書としてやるべきだろう。日本語の本と英語の本を両方とも日々よもうとするのではなくて、本線の読書の候補に英語の本もふくめるということ。
- 三時くらいに上階にいくと、母親が、図書館にいくみたいなことをいっていたのにまだ炬燵テーブルでタブレットかなにかみながらとどまっており、こちらがなにもいわないうちから、いこうとおもったけどここにはいるとなかなかいけないという。それでもでかけるらしかった。なにか郵便局から再配達の荷物がくるとかで、四時から六時のあいだだというので、四時になったら上にいるといっておき、用をすませて帰室すると、Art Blakey Quintet『A Night At Birdland』をながし、ヘッドフォンをつけてベッドにころがりながらきく。数日前にもいちどちょっときいたが、今日はVol. 1の最後まで。名声が確立しているアルバムで、こちらもその評判に異議をもうしたてる意図はまるでなく、五〇年代のジャズにおける最良の夜のひとつを確実にきりとっているとおもう。Lou Donaldsonは絶好調できれいな音取りをしているし、Clifford Brownも同様。Blakeyのドラムは冒頭の"Split Kick"などきくとソロの裏でもけっこうバタバタやっていて、区切りではたびたびキックとクラッシュをいっしょにうってバシンバシンならしているし、トランペットのうしろでもズドドドズドドドやっていて、いかんせん五四年の録音なのでそんなに耳についてはこないが、これじっさいにその場できいていたらたぶんかなりうるさかったんではないか、とおもう。Elvin JonesのまえにArt Blakeyがいたのだな、という実感。"Quicksilver"にせよ"Mayreh"にせよ、はやめの曲での疾走感とか熱とかは五人全員さすがとしかいいようがない。Horace Silverが、五七年あたりから完全にファンキー方面にいったあととは弾き方とか音使いとかがちょっとちがうようなきもして、どこがどうちがうのかわからないのできのせいかもしれないが、ファンキー後だとやはりもっといなたいというか、そんなにガシガシ弾くというかんじではないきがするのだけれど、ここでは(『族長の秋』のなかのことばをかりれば)羽根に熱がこもっている人間のやりくち。
- 五時にいたって上階にあがるまでのあいだ、(……)さんのブログをよんだ。最新の五月一二日分と、もどって今年の一月一三日、一四日。いったん一四日の途中まで。最近は毎日きちんとよめてもいないし、わりと意味のわからん読み方をしているが、日記とかブログというものは順番によむ必要などそもそもないのだから、むしろまっとうな読み方といってもよい。五月一二日には過去の日記から中井久夫『新版 分裂病と人類』(67~68)の引用。中井久夫というひとは文章家として評判がよいし、(……)くんもおりおりエッセイの文章がすばらしいと称賛していたが、こちらはまだ一冊もふれていない。(……)さんのブログの引用をあらためてよんでみると、たしかにやたら端正で、隙なく無理なくきれいにととのった明晰な文調という印象。「ある文化がある歴史上の時点において解決を迫られている問題は、平等にすべての〝気質〟の問題設定や問題解決の指向性に適合したものではないと考えられる。社会が直面している困難が、まず個人的平面で解決をもとめられるとき、その問題解決に適合した指向性をもつ気質者がいわば〝歴史に選ばれて〟前景に出てくる」というふうに、ダブルクオーテーションをもちいているが(しかし上の表記とおなじ記号をどう出すのかわからないが――こちらのPCだと、"か”か“しかぱっとでてこないし、下部でくくるほうの記号はどうやって変換するのかわからない)、これはいいかもしれないなとおもった。文章をかくときに、他人のつかっていることばの引用としての「」と強調の「」を区別しづらいのがひとつの問題としてあるが、二重引用符をつかおうとおもったことはいままでなかった。〈〉なんかをつかっても、いかにも思想系の文章っぽくて臭くなるし。中井久夫はあと、「不如意の時期」とか、「そしてこのような成功者が、まず小集団における問題解決の衝にあたる率が高まる」とかかいているが、「不如意」とか「衝にあたる」とかいう語がふつうにでてくるあたり、やっぱり古い時代の人間だなという感がある。そんなに古い言葉遣いというわけでもないとはおもうが、こちらの世代あたりになると、文章を書く人間でもたぶんつかうひとはほぼいないだろう。
- 一月一三日には長谷川白紙『夢の骨が襲いかかる!』、in the blue shirt『Recollect the Feeling』という音楽の名があるのでメモ。一月一四日にはやはり過去記事から、管啓次郎『狼が連れだって走る月』の引用。以下の一節は、あまりにもこちらの性根に適合しすぎている。むかしからずっと風景風景いいつづけているし、ブログの記述をよんでいるひとには明白だとおもうが、風景さえありゃだいたいもういいというタイプの人間なので。
- 『クイズ☆正解は一年後』というテレビ番組の名もあったが、そんな番組はじめて知った。おもしろいバラエティらしいので、きがむいたらだらだらしたいときにそのうちみる。
- 夜、風呂をあびてかえってきたのち、手巻き寿司を食いながら過去の日記のよみかえし。一年前の五月一三日を。(……)さんのブログの二〇二〇年三月七日から、立木康介の引用がある。
- 翌三月八日の柄谷行人『探究Ⅰ』の記述もそのとおりだなとおもう。「(……)哲学は、いつも「我」(内省)から出発し、且つその「我」を暗黙に「我々」(一般者)とみなす思考の装置なのである。デカルトがわれわれに記憶されるのは、自己意識の明証性から出発したことによってではなく、「私」が「一般者」であるという暗黙の前提を疑い、それを証明すべき事柄とみなしたことによってである。(……)」。柄谷の『探究』はⅠもⅡも文庫でもっていてよく目にはいるところにつんであるし、『トランスクリティーク』がたしか探究Ⅲみたいな位置づけだったきがするのだがそれもおなじ塔にあるので、さっさとよんでみてもよい。
- (……)さんのブログの二〇二〇年二月一一日の、木場公園をつれあいで散歩しているところの一節もひかれていてよいといわれているのだが、あらためてみてみても字面の感触からしてよく、なんか引用部を全体としてやや俯瞰的にみたときの視覚像が、はてなブログの投稿画面のフォントなのだけれど、なんかきれいでバランスがよい。視覚像だけでなく、もちろん断片的に意味も認識されるわけだが、なんか模様としてよい配置とリズムをしているかんじがある。あと、なかに「黒黒」という表記がでてきて、これはちょっと意外というか新鮮なきがした。わからん、(……)さんはふつうに「々」をつかわないでおなじ漢字をかさねる書き方をしているのかもしれないが、こちらとしては新鮮で、黒田夏子とおなじだとおもった。彼女の場合はたしか「淡淡」だったか? 『abさんご』でそれがつかわれているのを、蓮實重彦が彼女との対談で、「たんたん」をいま「淡淡」とかける作家は黒田夏子以外、日本にいないとおもう、みたいなことをいってべた褒めしていた記憶がある。