(石川美子訳『ロラン・バルトによるロラン・バルト』(みすず書房、二〇一八年)、117; 「暴力、自明のこと、自然(Violence, évidence, nature)」)
- 一一時をまわって起床。今日は陽射しが弱い。ティッシュで鼻を掃除したり、背伸びをしたりしてから、「アレグラFX」を一錠前歯のあいだにはさんで洗面所へ。服用し、用を足したり洗顔したりうがいをしたりする。もどってくると今日はきちんと瞑想をおこなった。身体の感覚がさらさらと、軽く流れる水流のような感じになる。主体の意識もしくは表象においては、肉体に属する感覚的なレベルと、ひとまず精神に属すると言って良いだろう記憶や思念や内言の層とがあり、それらはその都度混ざり合い、干渉し合い、重なり合っているが、おそらく多くの人間は自覚のないまま後者が優勢で、つねにそちらに引っ張られている。思考や思念をとめることはできないものの、すくなくとも瞑想中はある程度それをコントロールできるようになってきたというか、それの牽引力を流すことができるようになってきた気がする。思念が昔よりも圧迫的でないし、全然軽い、遠いようなものに感じられ、身体=現在にフォーカスしているその後ろや脇を勝手に通り過ぎていくというような感じ。
- ダウンジャケットを羽織り、ゴミ箱を持って上階へ。燃えるゴミを始末しておく。曇りの色の窓外に風の気配はなさそう。母親は九時半にはやくも、(……)にオープンしたパン屋に行ってきたという。けっこう高くて、カレーパンが二五〇円もしたと。予約が基本で人気があるらしく、開店の九時半に行ってももう種類があまりなかったとのこと。買ってこられたそのパン、チョコレートの入ったクロワッサンとか、なんかハムチーズ系のやつとかが分割されて用意してあったので、それらをいただく。新聞からは中国の全人代が閉幕したとの記事。香港の選挙制度改正を採択して終えたと。賛成がたしか二八九五、反対はゼロ、棄権が一とあって、このただひとり棄権した人物はいったいなんなのだろうと気になった。仕組みとしては、資格審査委員会とかいうものが設けられて例の「愛国者」認定がなされ、選挙委員会も新しくつくられて親中派が多数を占めるだろうと。で、その選挙委員会が立候補者を「指名」するかたちになるとかいう。香港立法会の議席は七〇から九〇に増えるというのだが、その大半が選挙委員会枠になるだろうみたいなことが書かれてあったので、まず「愛国者」に認定された立候補者のなかから選挙委員会が議員としてふさわしいと考える人物もしくは全員を「指名」推薦する、という感じなのだろうか。いずれにせよほぼ形式的なものになるわけで、民主派が民意を反映させることはまず不可能になった、とのこと。
- 皿を洗い、風呂も洗う。緊張するので勤務の日に茶を飲むのはあまり良くないが、やはりちょっと飲みたい気がしたので、茶葉をかなりすくなめにして注ぐ。一杯目の湯を急須にそそいで待つあいだに、腰を前に突き出して背をそらし、反対に上体を前方に落として背面を丸める、という体操をおこなう。これをゆっくりやっておくだけで、やはり腰の柔軟性が違ってきて楽になる。腰回りは寝て起きると毎日固くなっているので。
- 帰室し、Notionを準備し、今日もなんとなくまず英語を読んだ。下の記事を昨日の続きから。やはり文は読みやすい。記事としても面白く、充実しているように思われた。ドナルド・トランプ政権で、いかに大統領やWhite Houseのひとびとがwhite supremacyおよびdomestic terrorismに向き合うのを避け、DHSの仕事を機能させなかったか、というような話。DHSを中心に職員の証言が多数出てくる。
- Betsy Woodruff Swan, "They tried to get Trump to care about right-wing terrorism. He ignored them."(2020/8/26)(https://www.politico.com/news/2020/08/26/trump-domestic-extemism-homeland-security-401926(https://www.politico.com/news/2020/08/26/trump-domestic-extemism-homeland-security-401926))
Senior DHS officials said they dealt with two constants from the White House: constant pressure to deliver on immigration, and constant chaos.
“When you are spending all of your energy preventing him from doing something illegal, you can’t then also run your State Department or your Defense Department or your DHS,” Neumann said, highlighting the challenges Trump presented to Cabinet secretaries. “So you’re heavily relying on the people underneath you: ‘Try to do your jobs as well as possible while we protect you from the chaos.’ But everyone in the system is experiencing the same thing.”
For instance, the Senate-confirmed general counsel for DHS, John Mitnick, reportedly warned the White House in February 2019 that a proposal to release undocumented immigrants into so-called sanctuary cities could get DHS sued for due process violations.
In a 2019 town hall meeting with a group of DHS lawyers, according to a source present, one attendee asked Mitnick what his biggest challenge was. His answer: finding time to work on anything other than immigration and border security. During the same event, Mitnick told attendees that they should inform their supervisors immediately if anyone ever pressured them to greenlight an illegal action or policy, and he promised to support them. Later that year, Mitnick was fired.
Early in Nielsen’s tenure as secretary, she and Taylor discussed the domestic terror threat at length. In the months before her confirmation, a far-right extremist named Jeremy Christian had murdered two men on a train after harassing two Black teenage girls. One of the girls wore a hijab, according to news reports, and Christian yelled “fuck Muslims” at them. Just days after Nielsen was confirmed, a man with a swastika marking on his leg murdered two students at a high school in New Mexico before killing himself.
“I said, ‘Look this is a pretty big deal right now, it’s getting serious, a lot of it’s racially motivated,’” Taylor recalled telling Nielsen. “‘I don’t think we are well positioned against it. We’ve got to do more, but it’s really got to start with the president.’”
At the time, then-national security adviser H.R. McMaster was overseeing the drafting of a new national counterterrorism strategy. The document would lay out priorities for using resources from across the U.S. government to combat terrorism.
Taylor wrote a “dream draft” emphasizing everything DHS would want from the strategy document — including a focus on domestic terrorist threats, along with threats from radical Islamist terrorism and other foreign actors. Four months after Nielsen started as DHS secretary, Trump replaced McMaster with John Bolton. The process of drafting the counterterrorism strategy continued under Bolton’s leadership.
“What ended up getting significantly dropped was all the stuff we talked about on domestic terrorism,” Taylor said. “We got a draft back from John Bolton that barely referenced domestic terrorism.”
The FBI is the lead law enforcement agency for investigating domestic terror. But DHS’s close work with state and local law enforcement agencies around the country — as well as private sector and community partners — means it can also play a role. For instance, advisers from DHS’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency provided a security training that Tree of Life members participated in before the shooting. A top CISA official later told Congress that members of the synagogue said that training saved lives.
So starting in February 2019, Neumann pushed to get new funding for the new Office of Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention. And in May 2019, Neumann said, acting DHS head Kevin McAleenan made a series of phone calls to the Hill ringing alarm bells that DHS’s work on domestic terrorism was severely underfunded and urging members to fund the effort. After an extensive effort that initially circumvented the White House budgeting process, Congress gave DHS $17 million in new funding for the office and for grants.
The concept was to have DHS help state, local, and nongovernment leaders work in their communities to prevent and reverse violent extremism. Neumann compared it with the role DHS plays in firefighting: The department doesn’t send personnel with hoses and helicopters to put out wildfires. But it does help set standards, provide training and send out grant money. The goal — both when it comes to firefighting and to domestic terrorism — is to help communities protect themselves. It grew out of the Obama-era Office of Community Partnerships. That office had focused on helping communities counter violent extremism, and the Trump team had frozen its funding in the early days after the election to review its efforts.
Neumann said she wished DHS and the White House had both moved faster. There were National Security Council staff who wanted to strengthen the administration’s response to the growing threat, she said. But the dizzying cycle of leadership changes in the upper echelons of Trump’s national security team didn’t make it easy.
“There was no NSC structure that was systematically working on issues like that,” she said. “It’s not to say that they weren’t doing things; it’s just that when you have chaos all around you, it’s really hard to do process stuff.”
On Aug. 3, 2019, a gunman killed 23 people at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas. He told investigators that he liked the Christchurch killer’s manifesto, according to The Wall Street Journal, and posted a manifesto of his own saying he wanted to kill as many Hispanics as he could.
On Aug. 4, a gunman killed nine people at a bar in Dayton, Ohio. Earlier this month, per CNN, the FBI said its investigation into the killer’s motives is ongoing.
After the weekend of massacres, White House officials became more interested in Neumann’s project. Officials told her they could point to her work to show they took the problem seriously. She briefed multiple officials on domestic terrorism issues and what the government could do to prevent attacks. One challenge was particularly thorny, however: The officials, who Neumann declined to name, didn’t want to use the term “domestic terrorism.”
“They very clearly were looking at it through the lens of, ‘We have a violence problem,’” Neumann recalled. “And they did not want to talk about the ideological threat.”
“It makes me sad that in every other circumstance where you’re trying to lay out a strategy to go after a threat, you always start by articulating what the threat is,” she continued. “But in this particular case, we were told, ‘We’re just going to focus on the solutions.’”
By May 2020, the administration’s hesitancy to use the term “domestic terrorism” had evaporated — at least as far as actors from the left were concerned. After weeks of protests and property damage in Portland, Ore., President Trump tweeted that he would designate antifa, a loose agglomeration of left-wing ‘anti-fascist’ activists, as a terrorist organization — a legal impossibility. Attorney General William Barr then made a statement using the phrase that so many Trump administration officials have been loath to use.
“The violence instigated and carried out by antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly,” he said.
Senior department officials have shown a significant interest in combating the left-wing violence Cuccinelli described, both publicly and privately. On a DHS leadership call in the early days of the department’s response, Mark Morgan––the often-bombastic and always outspoken acting head of Customs and Border Protection — showed particular appetite for an aggressive federal response.
“We ought to detain and interrogate the shit out of every single one of them,” he said, according to two administration officials familiar with the call.
It wasn’t clear who specifically Morgan was referring to. Asked about this comment, a CBP spokesperson declined to comment.
Earlier in his tenure as acting CBP chief, Morgan also concerned officials there by floating the idea of moving a key CBP counterterrorism office under the umbrella of its Office of Intelligence. The office in question, called the National Targeting Center, plays a major role in protecting aviation from terrorism. CBP’s Office of Intelligence, meanwhile, focuses on border security. According to two sources familiar with the matter, CBP officials worried that Morgan’s interest in moving the NTC pointed to an effort to move resources away from counterterrorism and toward border security. A CBP spokesperson also declined to comment on this reporting.
One state law enforcement official, who requested anonymity to discuss intelligence matters, said the intelligence products DHS sends to its state and local partners emphasize the threat from left-wing extremists significantly more than the threat from right-wing extremists––and disproportionately so. Left-wing extremists have caused numerous problems and hurt police, the state official continued. “But none of them have been killed,” the official said. “But when we look at the far right, we’ve seen numerous attacks where cops have been killed.”
“I would expect at least a balanced production between far left and far right extremists,” the official continued.
The official also said he got much more helpful information on threats from the far right from the Anti-Defamation League than from DHS — particularly its material on Boogaloo, a coterie of extremists trying to incite a race war.
“They only have a handful of analysts at the ADL, and their handful of analysts put together a better product that the entire DHS,” the official said.
- 最後まで読むと二時。ボールをずっと踏んでいたので、足の裏はかなり柔らかくなった。からだも軽くなる。それから「記憶」を三〇分弱音読したのち、今日のことをここまで記して三時前。今日は六時頃には勤務に向かう必要がある。徒歩で行くなら六時ちょうどくらいには出たい。電車に乗るなら六時一五分くらい。歩く時間を取りたい気はするが。
- この日のことは、あとはほぼ忘れた。藤田一照『現代坐禅講義 只管打坐への道』(角川ソフィア文庫、二〇一九年)を読みはじめたのがひとつ。実感的にやたら納得が行く説明や言葉が多い。俺がやってたのって、瞑想というより坐禅だったのか、という感じ。こちらが瞑想経験のなかから導き出した考えを裏付けてくれる。要するに、能動性を殺して何もしないという状態を生み出すのが瞑想のコツだということだが。たとえば冒頭近くから、瑩山紹瑾 [けいざんじょうきん] 『坐禅用心記』という書物の引用があるが(18)、「休息万事 放下諸縁 一切不為(万事を休息し、諸縁を放下し、一切為さず)」というのがそれで、「一切不為」もそうだが、「放下諸縁」もわりとわかる。22には、「「くつろぐ力」というのは「わたしが~する」という積極的、能動的な力ではなくて、「~をやめる」、「~しない」という消極的、受動的な力としてしかあり得ないということになります」とあって、これはこちらの所見とまったくおなじことを言っている。そのあとにはいわゆる「ネガティヴ・ケイパビリティ」の解説が続く。その後、「(……)坐禅は、極端な言い方かもしれませんが、人間の跡形が一切残っていない、人間が尽き果てたところで行なわれている坐禅でなければなりません。「人間が尽き果てたところ」にしかくつろぎはおとずれないのです。道元はそういう坐禅のことを「仏行」と言いました。つまり人間=凡夫ではなく、仏が行じている坐禅と呼んでいるのです」(38~39)という説明もあって、これも、道元の真意に合っているかはともかく、こちらとしてはよくわかる。「人間が尽き果てたところ」に行くというのは、こちらに言わせれば、能動性を封じてじっと停まっていることによって、この自分としての二次的後天的属性、人間の人格としてのアイデンティティを削減していって、大方存在感覚しかないところまで還元される、というようなことだ。道元的にはそれが「仏」ということであり、べつの箇所では「おんいのち」という言い方もしているらしい。藤田一照は「仏」=大自然、要するに動き生成するこの世界そのもの、という理解をしていて、矮小な自我としての自己を捨てて、この仏的大自然もしくは世界に身をまかせきる、というのが坐禅行だ、というような説明をしていた。これはわりとありがちな言い分だが、ただ、藤田一照はくわえて、その大自然への帰依が果たされているかどうか、自分自身にはわからず、それをみずからで体験することはできない、なぜなら我々の自我や意識や感覚は非常に限られたもので、仏的大自然の動きやそこで起こっていることの極々一部しか感受することができないからだ、とも言っていた。つまり、いわゆる主客合一が実現していたとしても、それを自分のものとして認識し経験することはできないと言っているわけで、この点はちょっと定型から突き出したポイントではないかという気がするし、わりと好感が持てる。「おんいのち」とか言い出すといかにも宗教的な香りが出てくるが、「仏」とか「おんいのち」とか、「大自然」とかいうのは、一種の形而上的超越(それは場合によっては「絶対」にまでいたる)をいろいろな言葉で述べているだけだと思われ、こちらの場合はそれが「存在」にあたる。『正法眼蔵 生死』の言葉でそういう話をまとめると、「ただわが身をも心をも、はなちわすれて、仏のいへになげいれて、仏のかたよりおこなはれて、これにしたがひもてゆく」となる。
- ほか、(……)さんのブログ。三月一一日分。下の一段が面白かった。「狐」の字が一人称になるとは。
- ウィリアム・フォークナ―/藤平育子訳『アブサロム、アブサロム!(上)』(岩波文庫、二〇一一年)からメモ。272に「絵そらごとの影のような世界」という比喩がある。なんということもないものだが、「絵そらごと」という語をこちらはいままで一度も使ったことがないので使ってみたい。表記が「絵空事」でなくて平仮名にひらいているのも良い。